Happy b'day 2 u, happy b'day 2 u!
u were born in d zoo'
u were born in d zoo'
with d monkeys 'n donkeys
dats luks just like u! |

Here is the weather forecast for today, there shall be showers of blessings all over u & a heavy downpour of god's love all around u. happy birthday !! |

We pray that the almighty keep u steadfast on his path & that he extend his grace, compassion and mercy over you. may you remain a source of love joy & inspiration 2 ur parents & family. may he keep u safe humble and courageous on times of adversity & success. |

Donot keep ur mind dal or boring always keep smileing-then the whole
world will smile with u. häppy birthdäy. |

Its a dedicated ceremony, an aniversary, but not wedding. the easy way to tell is its birthday. have a smile in all the way |

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